Doss x Thacker
Branch x Calliope
Land's End GSMDs (AKC Silver Breeder of Merit)
Kramer x Thacker
Aegis GSMDs (AKC Gold Breeder of Merit)
Yo x Thacker
Aegis GSMDs (AKC Gold Breeder of Merit)
Yo and Thacker's Meryl Streep movie stars made their debut on December 7, 2022. Yo is an import offering some diversity to our Nash daughters and it's fun seeing what resulted from an outcross. Thacker was the pick girl of her litter and she's grown into the big and beautiful adult we hoped for. We're excited to see the potential of her first litter. Kristin and I are so proud of Thacker and so thankful we were able to preserve her as a brood bitch.
This litter will be well represented with puppies in FL, NV, MA, MD, MI, PA, SC, & UT!
Aegis It's Complicated "Ferris" fka Baldwin
Aegis Death Becomes Her 'Brewer" fka Willis
Aegis Lions For Lambs "Bob" fka Redford
Aegis The River Wild "Anchor" fka Bacon
Aegis Out of Africa "Poppi" fka Savanna
Aegis Music of the Heart "Pruitt" fka Treble
Aegis Let Them All Talk "Magpie" fka Chatter
Aegis Death Becomes Her 'Brewer" fka Willis
Aegis Lions For Lambs "Bob" fka Redford
Aegis The River Wild "Anchor" fka Bacon
Aegis Out of Africa "Poppi" fka Savanna
Aegis Music of the Heart "Pruitt" fka Treble
Aegis Let Them All Talk "Magpie" fka Chatter
Clue x Calliope
Land's End GSMDs (AKC Silver Breeder of Merit)
Clue and Calli welcomed "The Legal Team" on September 13, 2022 and we were counting the days to see these sweet freckled faces! Their names were all derived with deep meaning and the litter theme is homage to their mom. Phreddie and Chloe have been long friends with my mentor Bonnie Huett of Trout Creek GSMD and it was an honor when they offered to have me added as an owner to Calliope so I could be a breeder on her puppies! I was there for the exciting delivery of welcoming Calliope into this world and spent so much time with her in the whelping box. I love full circle stories like this and that because of Nash and his kiddos (and now grandpups) we have built such a wonderful relationship.
Grisham is strutting his stuff garnering his fan club around New York City with one of our favorite couples - we''re so happy they have the joy of a new puppy in their home again! Oscar's cute mug lives in Massachusetts and visits the motherland of Lands End routinely so he gets to see the Grammies a lot! Ro stayed put and is a quick witted little thing that has quickly won over Phreddie and Chloe... they'll have to duke it out on who is the favorite. Lastly, Rue lives in Washington state with two big "brother" swissies one being her uncle Strider...pretty sure she's already the large and in charge of their trio!
Land's End Runaway Jury "Grisham"
Land's End Without Prejudice "Oscar"
Land's End Hotly Debated "Roe"
Land's End Notorious Dissent "Rue"
Land's End Without Prejudice "Oscar"
Land's End Hotly Debated "Roe"
Land's End Notorious Dissent "Rue"
Clue x Fig
Aegis GSMDs (AKC Gold Breeder of Merit)
Clue and Figgy had two stoutly figlets on March 27th, 2022. This litter will forever be extra sentimental since it's the first litter I'm listed as a breeder on! I was lucky enough to spend quality time with Fig's mom "Pluck" when we did the breeding to Nash when I brought her out to the Pacific Northwest and these grandpups no doubt have inherited some of her extra affectionate tendencies. Even though I live on the other side of the country from Figgy, I have been able to spend ample amount time with her during different stages in her maturity which was beneficial when we were making stud selection. Thanks to Kristin Krumpe for letting me officially start this journey with Nash's beautiful daughter, Fig! Figgy is also co-owned with our dear friend Kelly Lovley who is to credit for her title accomplishments and since she lives in Massachusetts she'll be able to assist the puppies in working and performance events - it's a family affair and we love it that way!
Both Figlets are now residents of Massachusetts. Wilbur lives with his uncle Clooney and Joy lives with a new swissy family who is eager to get her start in heritage working events. So excited to see what the little piggies do!
Aegis When Figs Fly "Wilbur"
Aegis Joy the Mini Fig "Joy"
Aegis Joy the Mini Fig "Joy"